Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Will You Please Sit Still!

One of the downfalls of being 'disciplined' is waking up at the crack of dawn even when you're on vacation. THAT IS NOT GOOD! Spend time in prayer....yes. Do some ab work...yes. Rest, really rest....maybe. Slow down......tough. What is the deal??? My personal mantra, no where to be found. In the last few days I have ate more pasta in as long as I can remember. Don't get me wrong...I'm not really consumed with my eating since I eat pretty clean most of the time ( but I do have a goal here!). It's that touch of 'what in the heck's wrong with me"? It's just that I'm a creature of habit...bad like. Off kilter...out of wack....

Then it dawned on me, I feel most balanced when I'm disciplined. That's o.k. isn't it? I don't have to be 'wired' like everyone else. It doesn't mean I can't sit still. I guess I've spent so many years caring for others, that my idea of balance is to be a little selfish.... take care of this 'temple' God has loaned me. Things are much easier for me now, so I take advantage of it every chance I get. Not living to impress anyone or try to be super woman...just pretty darned happy with my little balance.

Yeah, someday's are meant for sleeping in, or laying on the beach, or strolling through a museum. And I'll take myself up on those when I get the itch. Faith...yes. Passion.....yes. Content......yes. BALANCE...........workin on it!


At 7:48 AM, Blogger Papa Louie said...

And I believe to have Balance takes time. We are fighting against gravity, but strength will come.

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Em said...

Balance comes from learning from your mistakes, Learning new habits and learning about yourself :)

Give it some time darl and before you know it you will be blissfully "Balanced"

I also like you am not the type to sit and relax for long lengths of time i love doing things and aspecially focusing on family but i have now learned to give myself some focus too, Thats where exercise and eating clean along with making speciale time to relax say in a bath or something :)


At 2:47 PM, Blogger Una said...

We're separated at birth. The toughest times for me to stick to the plan is when I'm on vacation. Everything spirals out of control! I need discipline and a plan those days most of all.

Great post.


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