Saturday, April 08, 2006

In the Moment....

One of my favorite places to be...but how come sometimes it's so hard to get there? I want to get/be there on my own terms. You know, not when someone else wants you to so they can pretend the past doesn't matter, or when your in a yoga class full of people and you just don't feel it, but someone is patiently trying to lead you there. Not their fault....I just wasn't heading that way.

Today I was in my moment and it was wonderful. Ran to the gym, went in and knocked out a few crunches, then back home. Put the IPod in shuffle mode and it played all the right stuff. When the dust settled, my partner (Garmin) told me I ran 8.25 miles round trip in 1:21 min. Wait a minute.... that works out to an under 10 min pace!! BIG stuff for me folks. Would like to run faster, and I'm sure it'll come, but I'm also absolutely content with what I do. Guess that doesn't make for a very good competitor, huh? I passed a lot of cyclists and runners. They all seemed to be in their moments... some completely focused (I LOVE that look), some grabbing deep for the power to keep going and finish this thing they've started, and the rest just out there doin their thing. Good time.

Here's to your moment (s). I'm hoping they're euphoric. Pinch yourself everyday. You are on a journey, raise your bar. You're fit, you're healthy and you're alive. It's good to be you!


At 7:33 AM, Blogger Una said...

What a great post, Deb! I'm feeling even more inspired to have a great run today!

Congratulations on your sub-10. The faster times will come! Once upon a time I was sub-9! Trust me when I tell you I am not a natural! I'm now an 11er, but I'll get there too!

Thanks for your comment on my blog - it's nice to meet you! You're in my bloglines, so I'll be back!

At 5:34 PM, Blogger JeffM said...

Thanks for the congrats- I was in the moment and it was great!

At 8:02 PM, Blogger Em said...

Great run hun :)
Nothing wrong with being gappy with your own pace!
I am quite the shuffler now my pace would be the ultra shuffle i reckon hehe but what they hay you have to start somewhere and being happy with that somewhere is a beggining for great things:)

At 9:15 PM, Blogger TRI TO BE FUNNY said...

I'm holding onto this post for next week's Boston Marathon. Let's hope all of the runners enjoy their Moment!! Thanks for the reminder of why we keep plugging along.

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Papa Louie said...

It is wonderful when we can be in our moment! When everything is just clicking in the right gears. Keep up your workout schedule and you'll find yourself getting better.


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