Saturday, July 08, 2006


Wanted to get an earlier start this morning but the bed was feelin way to good. Yes I am definitely a morning person, but there are those mornings where it just feels so good to lay in bed half dreaming. I rolled out of bed (literally) and pushed the button, that turns on the little red light, which means in just a moment the most beautiful drink will be brewing it's way into that wonderful pot....COFFEE. MY COFFEE!! Pick my poison... Pete's, all the way. That first cup is euphoric. Control and moderation are the key.

Strapped on the Garmin and the iPod & headed off. Decided I'd use the gym as a turn around point. I stopped in to stretch and do some core work, then headed back home. Took it slow, not feeling the usual spark in my step. I did lift yesterday and think that's the issue. Nothing heavy, but enough to make my legs tired today. Gotta read up on training plans that include lifting and what they suggest. Maybe no lower body lifting is best when I'm already spinning & running? What do any of you do???

Running stats:
8.05 mi
11.3 avg pace
didn't wear my HR monitor

Now for a fun filled day of chores and errands. Good luck to everyone racing this safe and have fun ;)

Live Passionately!


At 11:01 AM, Blogger Neese said...

WOW! that's a great run, an over 6 mile run is still only in my dreams!
as for weights i'm still experimenting myself, i really enjoy the Iron Yoga DVD using dumbbells, it's great for upper body. I'd think you're probably doing enough with spinning for the lower, but i'm still new at this so that's just my opinion!

keep on runnin

At 2:19 PM, Blogger JeffM said...

8 miles is a long run on tired legs. I'd have to have a day or 2 off before being able that far. But you have iron legs and a very high fitness level!

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Papa Louie said...

If I lift for a legs it would be after I run or bike. But then again I've lifted before running or biking and I'm not too sure if there is a big difference. I won't lift the week of a race.

At 5:41 PM, Blogger Lance Notstrong said...

Yeah!!! Never lift the week of a race!!!

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Trifrog said...

I'm with Lou. If I strength train legs, it's usually the afternoon after a morning run. Then I'm not running again for 2 or 3 days. Biking with easy spinning never seems a problem after lifting though.

You need the strength training, however, to keep those joints in line and incorporate muscle fibers not worked during endurance activities.


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