Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I am struggling with my own disappointment. This is a difficult place to rest. I read your blogs for encouragement and inspiration. I see individuals who's strength and commitment amaze me, and those who are happy to relish in the 'training' journey. I feel like I fall short. Fall short in character (how very disappointing), fall short of respect for what is sacred. I should enjoy floating in this pool of grace & health, but somehow I disappointment myself and come up short.

My biggest disappointments are the easiest to remedy. What went For everything else I need a new plan... a vision. Join a Tri club, join a running club? In moments of disappointment, these are monumental choices. When do I break from my 'comfortable' training, that's not producing faster bike/running times? Or is it?? I lack consistency in the type of training I need to do. Am I one big ball of excuses? This stuff is pricey.... There aren't enough hours in the day.... I feel my best when I give my all to the people I can this all happen in the span of each day? old mantra. I need to find it. This disappointment is killing me.


At 9:09 PM, Blogger JeffM said...

Your blog is my number one inspiration- your training routines and attitude are amazing!! Maybe you hit that overtraining plateau? As far as times increasing- maybe do a race or something to have a benchmark to gauge against. This can be a tough time of year- so much to do and no time or extra money and then throw in the heat. I look around and think- I'll fix that or clean that in the off-season. Of course for me personally, I look at older people and think "I have to do everything NOW before the body falls apart and I can't". Hope that helps.

At 6:14 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Following any individual for a period of time, you will see they go through ups and downs. The nice thing about the RBF community is we all go through it, together.

Nobody can train for these sports without some disappointment. A bad race, a missed PR, training blues, injury, or the general blahs. The cool thing is that when one is down, another is up.

It's like being out on a course and lending a helping hand to another. That will come back around, one day. You'll be in need of a boost, and someone else will be there.

A lot of people read your blog because they are inspired by you, just as others inspire you. And many have your site linked, because they check it every day.

At 9:04 AM, Blogger TRI TO BE FUNNY said...

OK sister-I absolutely derive inspiration and peace from your daily mantras. I just quit my gym membership for your same reasons...spending too much money and didn't have enough hours in the day for everything!Perhaps what may be missing is a distinct goal for your training. (i.e. a race in the near future). Since you know you can run, why not sign up for a local 5k or 10k just to have a gauge of where you're at from a pace standpoint. It would be a good benchmark to start from. From there, I think the picture will become much clearer of what you need or want to do. In the meantime, just keep plugging away. I think 99% of your peers would kill to have your attitude, grace and fitness level.

At 1:19 PM, Blogger Lance Notstrong said...

Iron Pol is right.....everyone goes through ups and downs. I think you need to ask yourself what you want from your training. Do you want to race, ride, just be healthy.....they are all good things.

At 5:48 PM, Blogger IronGambit said...

You should join a team :)

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Neese said...

sweet deb, i agree with what's been said already and also want to add that sometimes you have to remind yourself to enjoy the journey, when i didn't crack the sub-30 5k i cried but within a few short hours concluded it's the journey i love the most and the rewards of times etc will come in time. i wish we lived closer i'd love to run with you, anytime.


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