Thursday, July 13, 2006

The healing power of...

Yesterday I met with my women's small group bible study. Same time (6:30am), same place (Panera bakery). A new gal, Tanya joined us. She's originally from South Africa (I love that accent!), happily married with two grown kids. She was so thankful to connect with a group of women she might someday call friends. She's been here 9 years, but has had a tough time connecting with anyone. Just no country... husband. As we talked, she said she was so thankful for the healing power of friendship. I thought about that all day long. All the things I find healing. The healing power of my faith, my beau, my boys..... exercise, prayer, cooking, music, laughter. These amazing bodies we occupy. The ability to heal not only ourselves, but others. Do you realize how often you do that? Heal others. A good laugh or a conversation when no one else has the time. To stop everything, just to make sure your spouse or kids understand they deserve your undivided attention and it's your pleasure to give it to them. Pretty powerful thing.... that ability to heal.

Legs feeling much better in spin class today. A little tough on those hill drills, but I love that feeling of working really hard (very healing!) 5 minutes into it I'm drenched & loving it. I'm thinkin I'll take a 'vacation' day tomorrow. Spend my entire workout working on core & stretching. I always feel so relaxed after I'm done.

I'm hoping everyone connects with what heals them, and reins it in. You and everyone around you deserves it!

Live Passionately!


At 9:54 PM, Blogger JeffM said...

Good to see your amazing outlook is back. Have a good weekend!

At 9:56 AM, Blogger Neese said...

not only are you a green pea you are a sweet pea :) you are so right and i appreciate you putting it into words and sharing with us, a wonderful post and a great reminder.


At 9:30 AM, Blogger Papa Louie said...

I have been enjoying the healing power of touch. A hand shake, a hug, and even a kiss brings health to all.


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