Friday, July 21, 2006 be 18.

My older son turned 18 in April. Any of you that have or have had kids this age can probably instantly relate. He's a good kid, just flexing is 18 year old (now adult) muscles. You know: house rules should no longer apply, why do I still have to call to check in....He doesn't realize his 'house' is much bigger than this home...and there will always be rules. I remember how hard it was being a teenager. Thinking I knew everything and those older just seemed to worry far to much about all the wrong things. Do they possibly have a point there?? Well, I'll always wear this 'mom' suit to some degree. I'll worry. I'll hope he leads a productive life...give back of himself. These are lessons only to be learned by him. I'm here to provide all the grace he wants and needs. To be 18 thank you. I bought this card for him yesterday:

When I Am Grown-Up

When I am grown-up I will understand how BEAUTIFUL it feels to administrate my life effectively.

Until then I will continue to TORCH all correspondence that bores me and to DANCE NAKED over the remnants of is still glowing embers.

I know he will be fine.....

Had a great workout this morning. Weights/core/stretching. Tonight the girls are taking me out for a belated birthday dinner. Yes....last month I had to update my profile to 46. (That's just 4 from 50 if anyone's else is counting...that's starting to bug me a little..) Tomorrow I'll be heading to Santa Barbara for an overnighter with a few other girlfriends. Have a great weekend everyone. Train safely & enjoy the ones you love!



At 8:32 AM, Blogger Trifrog said...

So I guess I'll get no sympathy as I worry about 40 next year?

That's got to be tough allowing him to spread his wings. Let him struggle in the water and learn to swim; don't worry, he won't sink.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Lance Notstrong said...

I've truly embraced the "it's just a number" philosophy. Once I hit 35, I just quit caring. Sometimes I have to ask my wife, "how old am I again?" It's just a number Deb.

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

As I approached 18, my father made it quite clear that several options would exist. So long as I was in school, I was welcome to continue to live under his house and his rules, free of charge.

If I was no longer in school, I was welcome to live under his house and his rules, so long as I was being productive (had a job).

If I was unproductive, or desired to live by my rules, room and board could be negotiated.

I always figured it was cheaper to honor their schedules, call in when required, and notify them of any longer departure from the nest.

At 7:51 PM, Blogger JeffM said...

Life begins at 40 and at 46 it's even better! 1960 was obviously the best year in history.


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