I'm not worthy!!
Hello everyone! I've been away over a year now and would love to re-connect. What a year it's been!! Got married last Feb., my older son moved out on his own to San Francisco, I sold my house last Aug., my younger son stayed in So Ca to go to school, Sept. I quit my job after 17 years (no transfer opportunities available) & I moved to Portland Oregon to join Mike. Whew!!!!!!!!
I've been taking advantage of some time off. Working out at the Nike gym everyday has been great. I've gotten to know the streets of Portland pretty well and explored it's unique neighborhoods. I like it but I have to say, it's not as easy as I thought it would be. It's been tough to get 'connected', especially without working. I submitted apps to volunteer at 2 local hospitals (no response?!?) and finally heard back from the local library yesterday.
Portland is a great food & fitness minded city. The amount of cyclist (and bike commuters) is awesome...rain or shine. It's the most bike friendly city in the nation...pretty cool. The weather can be a little depressing. I was spoiled in So Ca. and never bothered with a coat. "The times...they are a changing".

This year I have big goals for myself. More specific goals so I'm excited and ready to make them happen. I mixing P90X into the week, full body weight training Tuesday & Friday (I think 3 days is to much for my frame) and spinning Mon, Wed & Thurs. Weight has been a little bit of an issue for me (those crazy ten lbs) but I'm chocking that up to age and hormones (sorry if tmi!) at this point. I'm healthy and capable, there is the true blessing.
I hope you are all well, your holidays were wonderful and you're enjoying (and respecting) your health. All my best in the New Year! It's good to be back.
Live passionately!
Welcome back, Deb! I'm glad things are working out so well for you. And thanks for your lovely comment.... :o)
P90X and spinning are great, and both played a role in my success last yesr - I'm sure you'll wave goodbye to those pesky 10 pounds!
I'm looking forward to hearing more about your new life.
Welcome back Deb!!!!!!
Congratulations on everything and welcome to Portland.
Doing any running events? I'm doing Vancouver Lake tomorrow and Shamrock in March.
Oh my goodness! It's been a year already? WElcome back, Deb! Great to see you back here in blogland. So much has happened in the past year!
I look forward to hearing more about what you have been and are up to lately!
Welcome back!! I have missed you! It sounds like you had an incredible year. Congrats on the marriage!! :-)
OMG! Your Back!! AWESOME.
glad to see things are well for you. and the P90X, im so jealous. I have wanted that for some time now. It looks so good. Let me know how you like it.
Hey Deb, Congratulations on your marriage and I'm glad to see you're back. I wish you the very best on your athletic and career endeavors.
:::happy dance:::: welcome back to blogland! - congrats on the marriage and oh I'm envious about the quitting job thing! make the most of that free time girlfriend!
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