Sunday, August 27, 2006

Can You Hear Me Now?

Well, the bag pipes played, the Canadian Anthem sung and the canon has gone off. They're all out for a nice little 'training day'. At least that's what Mike calls it...and then I heard someone else saying it...then someone else. I guess that's the way you have to look at it. You train hard and invest your everything, then head out hoping for the best training day ever.
We got up at 4 so we could get the guys in and settled @ 5. We hooked up with Mike's friend Kevin (they met at IMC a few years ago) and his girlfriend Jessica to head down together. Nice they're at the same hotel, and are a fun cool couple. I love the swim start here. It's truly majestic. It was pretty crowded and I couldn't see above or beyond the people in front of me, so Jessica stayed to watch and take pics, while I took off for Main St to snag a spot on the curb. Good thing...the crowd got thick real fast. Jessica never found me, but I did get a great picture of Mike on the bike. With a swim start of 7, he was down pedaling past me at 8:11, so I'm guessing his swim was just over an hour. His IMC P.R. is 10:41, so I praying he beats that. The conditions are perfect. No wind, lake is like glass. It's been pretty warm, so I'm hoping today is milder.
Here I am back at the hotel to shower and hang out for a little while. I can hear the announcer from the room. Most of the people in town are very proud and supportive of the athlete's. Very cool vibe here. Think I'll head out in a few hours and try to catch him at T2. There's nothing like seeing that face come around the corner and head out. We've kind of had a running joke about the finish line. Countless races I've been there cheering him on when he didn't hear a thing. Frankly, I'd get a little hurt by it. I'd say "didn't you hear me"? What the heck?!..... Doesn't he realize I'm there for him...supporting him? Can you hear me NOW?! It's o.k., I understand . It no longer crosses my mind. Of course he knows.
Pics to come!


At 11:26 AM, Blogger Neese said...

you paint a great picture with your words, makes me want to be there hanging out with you watching it all :) looking forward to the pics!

At 6:23 AM, Blogger Rice said...

I had friends say the same thing about “didn’t you see us”. But really you are so zoned when your out there its really hard, and you feel bad because you love all the support. Truly it’s the thought of friends and family being there or thinking of you that keeps going through my head when I’m racing that helps to keep me going. So it dose mean a lot for them to be there.



At 12:39 PM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

The coordinators of a local marathon publish a "fans" information piece in the paper each year. One of their comments is that fans shouldn't get distressed if athletes don't acknowledge them, especially late in the race. In order to push through "the wall," they zone out and sometimes ignore much of the world.

I can only imagine how that is increased in Ironman races. The mental demands to accomplish the race are extreme.

And while I do try to keep enough attention focused to see my family, if they are anywhere except where I expect them, I might easily miss them. And anyone other than volunteers, my family, and exuberant young children will probably not catch my eye.

At 5:56 PM, Blogger JeffM said...

An hour for a 2.4 mile swim- that's fast. Looking forward to the whole report.

At 11:34 AM, Blogger TRI TO BE FUNNY said...

Can't wait!!

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Lance Notstrong said...

He can't hear you.....he's in "the zone"!!!


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