Wednesday, August 02, 2006


And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and the sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.

Kahlil Gibran

I met with my women's small group bible study this morning. I'm so glad I did. There's 5 of us and it's such a great group of women. It's nice to meet with friends who genuinely care about each other. We all have those friends, and it's a beatutiful thing when we make the time to meet each week and renew that bond. The relationships we have...the ones that are truly precious to us, require investment. The more you love someone, the more it becomes your pleasure to invest. To give of yourself to build another up. Think of someone you love, then 'drop a dime in the box'. They're worth it.

This week has been wicked busy. Work has been non-stop and long hours everyday. Felt wiped out so I didn't go to spin on Tues. Lifted Monday and tonight, decided I had to leave work at a decent hour and a workout would do me good. After meeting the girls this morning, I went for an adjustment & deep tissue massage. I almost fell asleep on the table. It was awesome. Looking forward to hitting the pillow early and hard, then spin in the morning.

Stay cool and hydrated while you're all training in this heat.

Live passionately!


At 6:22 AM, Blogger Papa Louie said...

It is such a blessing to spend time with others to enjoy the rich speaking in the bible. The speaking renews our mind and heart to the point that we have the capacity to invest our love, time and money for the sake of others.

At 6:17 PM, Blogger Kewl Nitrox said...

Too true. Great friendship/fellowship takes investments, but the returns are well well worth it. I am another one who is VERY blessed by my fellowship group (we call 'em CGs here - Cell Group or Care Group).

Been catching up on your other posts - very impressed by your reaction to the cranky toddler. So many people just frown and look at the young parents like they don't deserve to be there (I have been on the receiving end, and with two boisterous boys, sometimes I still get those looks.) I am sure the parents enjoyed the cookies and pastries very much. :D

At 9:38 PM, Blogger JeffM said...

I like your dime in a box analogy- very true. Reading the posts I've missed, it sounds like it was hot there! Your cookie move was classic- nice!

At 11:54 AM, Blogger IronGambit said...

you have inspired me to go get a massage! :)

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Neese said...

oh the adjust and deep tissue massage sounds out of this world...

and again, i wish we lived closer i'd love to attend the womens group.

have a great spin tomorrow


At 1:28 AM, Blogger Tracey said...

mmmmm massage.....

great to hear how happy you are at the moment.


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