It's sometimes tough to stay centered in what's really important while 'life' keeps trying to interrupt me. I don't want to define my self by this 'life'; work, laundry, yard work....
I haven't worked out in over 2 weeks. Are my clothes fitting tighter or it just me? What have I been doing with my time? Being a mom. I have just a very little time to continue with this job, and it's been my pleasure. I have been so blessed.
Rob is home and 'healthier' than he's ever been. He's more mature, understanding and seems to 'get' things now. Just a few rough months on your own can change a person. Since his surgery, we've had to call 911 for a trip to the E.R. (damn allergies....wish we could figure out the source), and he's been in quite a bit of pain. P.T going well, but almost as painful as the surgery. We seemed to have turned a corner so hoping everyday gets a little better.
Chuck's doing well. After we've discussed the connection between spending money and his employment, he's taken up looking for a summer job. Funny how that money thing can be a motivator! Again I'm blessed, he's such a good kid.
I think about those in the world who have far less than myself.

They're not worried about missing a workout, housework or most of the menial things that can occupy my mind. They are drenched in namaste and gratitude. That is where I want to be. The wave of joy that covers their face shouts out 'your worries are few'. How silly of me! So I'll go on my way. I'll continue to honor this body with healthy thoughts and actions. Do away with the negative...dwell in sincere gratitude & namaste.
Live passionately!